Gretchen Rubin of the Happiness Project recently wrote that
"September is the new January". September is an appropriate time for starting over and new resolutions; it's the start of the school year, the change of seasons, a time for reflection and contemplation, and also action.
It's a time of change for me as well, and I've made a few resolutions of my own. I recently started the seemingly never ending task of decluttering once again, clearing out closets and shelves. shedding old possessions and leaving room for new life, new energy, new thoughts. Today I had my windows cleaned (I will not confess how long it's been since I've had really clean windows), and I savor the light, the brightness, the clear September sky now easily visible through all the rooms of my house! I also start a new job this month full of hope, promise, and new direction.
There is a passage in the Baha'i scripture
The Hidden Words which says "I loved thy creation, hence I created thee... "
* I have always taken this to mean that we were loved even before our inception (much like the Psalm "you knit me together in my mother's womb"
*, I always visualize a tiny little crocheted skeleton!) I recently came across a different interpretation, that what we create: our life, our actions, our contribution, is loved. I never thought of it that way before.
So in this September, this time of transformation and renewal, I begin again the task of creating a life, my life with my own hopes, dreams, interests, aspirations, values...... And as I look out my newly cleaned windows, I look forward to what the new season brings!