Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Rainn Wilson - Speaking with Humor and Faith

I recently heard a wonderful interview with comedian and star of The Office, Rainn Wilson. He spoke about what his Faith, the Baha'i Faith, means to him:

There's a big issue in all of the religious faiths that what is sacred often starts to get precious, and it can't be precious, because people don't respond to that. You can't be moralistic, you can't be lecturing, you can't be soft and sentimental and precious... That's not what my faith is. My faith is not soft and sentimental and precious; it's profound, it's sacred, it's heartfelt, it's moving, it's alive, it's breathing. But it's none of those other things... Faith is a lot like nature. Nature can be very harsh, nature can be troublesome, it can be dangerous and beautiful at the same time, and that's what a religious faith needs to be, just like art can be all of those different things. And so I try and speak about my faith and my experience with great humor, and great irreverence...

Photo from US Baha'i Website

Listen to the entire interview online at A Baha'i Perspective. Learn more about Rainn and his Faith at the U.S. Baha'i website .


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